Saturday, November 10, 2007


All three football selections on the blog today won, I am writing this before the kick off of the Napoli match of course.

As I told you this morning, there were 6 selections given on the email service, the blog selections, plus two email exclusives ......

6 points Hull City -1/4 ball 1.87 asian line. WON 3-0
6 points Exeter level ball 1.80 asian line. WON 4-0

That added up to over 22 points profit for subscibers this afternoon alone, an 8 euro unit stake on these selections, would have paid for three month's daily newletter.

The Napoli bet, like 90% of all selections, was also given at much higher odds to members, so win or lose, they are ahead of the pack with that bet also.

Further details of the service can be found by clicking on this link.

Good Luck.

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