Sunday, May 06, 2007

Dear Reader ..................

The blog has undergone a lot of changes recently and hopefully, will continue to evolve.

In the coming weeks, I will be offering some extended services on the site. There is absolutely no obligation for anyone to subscribe, or participate, in any of the offers.

These are products already in place, they work in tandem with, not instead of GOWI.

Firstly, let me say and this is very important, that the blog will continue to be free to view to everyone, in exactly the same way as it has been, for the past 13 months. It is my "baby" and too much time and effort has been put into it, to do otherwise. NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

However, it is a truism in life, that you get what you pay for and the PREMIUM GOWI EMAIL SERVICE, which is advertised opposite, is not free, but offers good value for money and should quickly pay for itself.

This is a daily email which I have provided to friends and contacts for some time and following requests from several of you, for a more personal service, have decided to offer it to blog readers, for a limited period at a trial price.

If anyone is interested, full details can be found by clicking on the advert opposite, or by emailing me.

Good Luck.

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